April 5, 2024

Return to Barcelona

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A Return to Barcelona

3 years ago today, I was mugged in Barcelona.I quickly picked myself up and really made myself enjoy the rest of my time in Catalonia, but it certainly put a damper on the whole experience. When making plans this summer to return to Europe next month, I knew there was one place I needed to go to make amends, for Barcelona had taken me "into her arms and protected me like the lioness that she truly is..."

To celebrate the fact that I will make my first grand return to España one month from today, I wanted to include a sample out of my short story "barcelona" from my upcoming book: 16

"barcelona""...I immediately fell in love with the pace of the city as well. Barcelona has a heart beat and its pulse turned out to be everything I'd wanted it to be and more. Sure the city was beautiful but the people in the way they live was what really fascinated me about Barcelona. The pace and their concept of time was completely alluring to me, as I've always been a night owl since I was little boy.Barcelonians, for the most part, wake between 10 in the morning to noon and begin breakfast anywhere from 11 in the morning until one in the afternoon.  Lunch was never served before 3 o'clock. In fact, anyone could find themselves eating lunch even as late as 6 pm. Therefore, an early dinner in Barcelona wouldn't even start until 9 pm and could possibly end at 2 in the morning.Of course it wouldn't be Spain if there were no siestas taking place at any given time during the day. But it wouldn't be Barcelona if there also wasn't dancing all night. You can bet your ass, that's exactly what I did every night. I danced my ass off until the wee, wee hours of the morning and siesta-ed during the day...."

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